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===SVN repository releases===
===SVN repository releases===
====Release 2.548 ====
(25 may 2009) Improved crash handling and stoppen a memory leak in aurule. Improved log functionality. New utility utmpose2kml - for google display, new aulogrotate utility for renaming of logfiles. New configuration directory in the bin directory, for startup-files for the HAKO tractor.

====Release 2.501 and 2.506====
====Release 2.501 and 2.506====

Revision as of 18:07, 25 May 2009

SVN repository releases

Release 2.548

(25 may 2009) Improved crash handling and stoppen a memory leak in aurule. Improved log functionality. New utility utmpose2kml - for google display, new aulogrotate utility for renaming of logfiles. New configuration directory in the bin directory, for startup-files for the HAKO tractor.

Release 2.501 and 2.506

(5 may 2009) Sorry, neither of these will compile out of the box. Will be back soon. Use version 2.498.

Release 2.498

(4 may 2009) Same as 2.497, but the configuration files (*.ini) are from the HAKO configuration. The configuration files will in the future be more structured, for the different used configurations.

Release 2.497

(3 may 2009) operational process keeper plugin Better stereo camera exposure. Better alive monitoring for server interfaces.

Release 2.488

(19 apr 2009) new plug-in for RHD interface (read access only). A obj3d plug-in is now modified to do obstacle (and human) detection from stereo camera (almost finished). An auclient called auclientnox is now in the bin directory, intended as server for the web browser robot GUI

Release 2.402

(18 feb 2009) Support for strings in global variables and in the rule based sequencer is now operational.

Release 2.401

(15 feb 2009) Cleanup of code related to AUBallfinder plugin.

Release 2.396

(10 feb 2009) Camera specific files are now isolated to the ucam4 library, this means that other libraries no longer is dependent on especially firewire libraries. (String global variables are still not fully implemented).

Release 2.334

(11 jan 2009) Variables in the global variable system can now hold more than one value, this is also implemented in the rule-based mission execution plugin. Variables can now be specified with an indes, like odoPose.pose[0] for the first element (x) and odoPose.pose[1] as the second (y). The size i defined at the last element used. This should form the base for string variables too, but string variables are not fully implemented yet.

Plugins used to create local variables retaining an integer as a fast way to access the variable. This is now changed (must be changed) and a (UVariable*) must be used as replacement for the index. The addVar(...) function now returns a pointer to the newly added variable. The variable has methods to set and extract the value or values for the variable.

Release 2.214

(7 dec 2008) A few bugfixes to the rule-based mission execution module, and added a case construct to the language syntax

Release 2.210

(1 dec 2008) Update to smr interface module, now supports call to put a multiple user events on MRC command queue, and test if any one of then has occured (new functions: putevent(d), gotevent(d), gotevent(dd), eventflush(), see 'var smr' for on-line description.

Release 2.192

(10 nov 2008) Update to rule based scheduler, the enable/disable can now take a constructed string as parameter. All global variable structures (see var all) can now handle 'varpush struct=...' command (bugfix). MRC watch handling added - creates and updates a smr.watchname.event (+1 on fire) and smr.watchname.time, 'watchname' is the name assigned to the watch.

Release 2.178

(3 nov 2008) The rule based mission scheduler is now renamed from aumission to aurule, to be more intuitively in line with the intension. The XML based rules has changet tag name from <plan ...>...</plan> to <rule ...>...</rule>, and the file extension changed from .mis to .rule. The rule plugin now allows new rules to be added directly from a socket connection, either in one go, if it is not too long (less than 900 characters), or line by line, until finished. See her rule help on line help. The wiki description is updated to describe the rule language. (The new plugin obj3d is intended to extract objects from svs disparity point-cloud - this module is not finished)

Release 2.142

(10 oct 2008) The server prompt should now appear after the issued command is executed, i.e. the '>>' should now appear at an empty line after any printout from the previous command. Mission plans (and sub-plans) may now include an "order=45" number to force a specific order in wich e.g. rules (plans) are fired, to allow conclusions to be drawn in the same iteration.

Release 2.130

(6 oct 2008) The project is now moved to SVN, and the regular tar-ball releases now includes the svn version number, so this version -- 2.130 -- is svn version 130. New client side plugins -, and are added from this version. Load into a server and see 'help' for supported commands and then e.g. 'laserdata help' for more help.

Old repository versions

Release 2.05

(30 sep 2008) Two bugs are fixed in this release: loaded modules do now call the destructor upon unload or server shutdown, and the call to getStaticResource(const char * name,bool mayCreate,bool staticOnly=true) is now working in UFunc* based objects also (and not just in resources).

Release 2.04.2

The release fixes some bugs in the mission scheduler: the occational crash on load of module should now be fixed. A code line with a '<' now gives a warning only. An XML remark -- like '<!-- nnnnn -->' is now fixed, so that the nnnn may include other XML tags, but nested remark tags are not allowed. A few mismatched malloc() free() issues are fixed too, thanks to valgrind (a few issues are still outstanding, relating to readline and openCV).

Release 2.04.1

Mission scheduler is now included and complete to a field-test level. There is likely more than one bug, and one is that server crashes sometimes, when a mission is loaded, and always during server shutdown. report bugs, and I will try to fix as soon as possible.

Release 2.02

Improvements to svs module includes replay, sensor pose handling, projection to 3d point cloud (available for other modules). The svs camera shutter control is corrected for a few bugs, and can now generate a intensity histogram in pool-image 35 and estimate the horizon line. A new plugin 'obj3d' is introduced to use the 3D cloud information - for now it can display horizontal slizes in pool image 26-40 in different projections - some filtering is prepared, but not finished. The mission sequencer is not improved (much) from version 2.01.

Release 2.01

This version improves the SVS stereo camera plugin with horizon estimate as modelled by Fran (KU-LIFE). It includes a new plugin AUCRON that implements a way to execute bash commands regularly, e.g. every second. The commands are implemented in separate threads and may be started with a 'nice' pre-command, so that the commands do not take time from the main server thread. The version has changed a few functions in the server core, and is thus (probably) not compatible with plug-ins compiled against earlier versions.

Release 2.00

This release includes a functional SVS module that is capable of logging sets of stereo images, do illumination control - as suggested by fran, except that the mean value of the intensity histogram is used in place of the highest amplitude. The new mission scheduler plug-in AUMISSION is almost finished in this version, including IF statement ELSE statement structures, but misses a a functional BREAK <level> function.

Release 1.XX

The release notes got lost as the old wiki page were hacked - sorry.