Demo of stereo camera: Difference between revisions

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* click '3D display' for new snapshot
* click '3D display' for new snapshot

Increase 'Disparity' to allow shorter ranges
Increase 'Disparity' to allow shorter ranges.
Decrease 'Conf', 'Unique' and 'Specle' to show more pixels (but less valid)
Decrease 'Conf', 'Unique' and 'Specle' to show more pixels (but less valid)
Increase 'Window' to get more valid pixels (but less detail)
Increase 'Window' to get more valid pixels (but less detail)

Latest revision as of 09:36, 12 October 2009

Demo using TOSHIBA pc using linux

  • Start PC in linux mode (not default)
  • log in as jca/******
  • Connect stereo camera using firewire hub and external power (12V)

You probably need to change rights on the firewire devices (as root)

root$ chmod 666 /dev/raw1394
root$ chmod 666 /dev/video1394-0

Then back to user jca.

jca$ cd svs/bin
jca$ smallv

This should start the demo application. Load the lens and camera calibration file and set options:

  • menu 'File->Load parameters', select file svsCalib.ini
  • in 'Input' select 'Video'
  • in 'Rate' select '15' (or slower)
  • click 'Continuous'
  • click 'Color' (left and right)
  • in 'Function' select 'stereo'
  • click '3D display' for new snapshot

Increase 'Disparity' to allow shorter ranges.

Decrease 'Conf', 'Unique' and 'Specle' to show more pixels (but less valid)

Increase 'Window' to get more valid pixels (but less detail)