Main Page

From Rsewiki
Revision as of 15:05, 6 September 2012 by Juhu (talk | contribs) (→‎Mobotware)

Wellcome to the wiki pages of the Robot Systems Engineering (RSE) group of Automation and Control at DTU Electical engineering.

These pages will contain updated information on RSE projects and other issued related to robotics research.


(Mobile Robot software) too bad

AURS AU Robot Servers, download and documentation

RHD Robot Hardware Daemon

Robot sensor modules, (hardware/firmware) description and documentation

Simulation, description of simulation environments

MRC - see SMR below

Version and download


List of SMRs (List of SMRs)

SMR (Small Mobile Robot)

MMR (Medium Mobile Robot)

HAKO (KU Life tractor, now in Hohenheim University Germany)

hexakopter (notes for six-rotor helicopter)

RTAI-Linux system considerations

Switchtool - Shift to Mobotware (development) branch on the robots

Rules for udev on RTAI (How to use udev rules to get correct modes for RTAI fifos and Comedi devices)

Naming networkinterfaces using udev

Slackware OpenCV package install

Setting permissions for various devices using udev

Slackware packages in robot image


Platform list (List of computers used for various control set-ups)

Realtime testing (Description of small test procedures to verify RTAI realtime operation)

Introduction to Matlab RTW and RTAI (Guide for usage of RTAILab with Matlab RTW and Simulink)

How-to documentation

NTP howto time-sync 2 computers

Using the RSE SVN repository

Flash disk cloning - to repair robot boot disk image

Install on (K)UBUNTU - for test and development on PC or laptop

Install GUI-less UBUNTU - new boot disk image for robots

Robot GUI (MARG)

Remote Development of Mobotware Using Eclipse

Set hostnames from dhcp-server with dhclient on *buntu systems

utility pages

Convert a .tex document to openoffice

Access DTU campus network using VPN from Linux

disable display manager on boot (and thereby the graphic user interface)

older pages

Transition to version 2011 - notes

RoboCup - bl.a. scoreboard

Demo of stereo camera

AU software license considerations


PLC controlled traffic light