Drone net

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Drone det details

Sketch of drone net installation.

One net 0.5-1m below roof plus two divider nets as sketched below.


Sketch of ASTA with transparent roof and two divider nets (roof net not shown).

The nets will be suspended with a cord to the roof rings. Roof rings will be available as sketched below.

Approximate position of roof rings, and the expected type of ring to the right.

The side nets consist of two halves, that can bee pulled aside using two cords each side for each of the two nets.

A 3D cut of the roof and the roof net. Mounting cord for the roof net is expected to be one cord across the dome each 4m. This should in principle allow the roof net to be lowered if the cord is sufficiently long. The separator net is on the top fixed to the roof-net mounting points. The two net sides can be pulled aside to open for larger experiments. An overlap of about 1m should ensure the separator to be drone safe when closed.

Raw net size

Roof net divided int two nets to ease mounting.

North and south end created equal

Width 23m and 13m height gives 50m, rounded corners saves 10m