Release notes

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Revision as of 09:44, 6 August 2008 by Jca (talk | contribs)

Release 2.02

Improvements to svs module including replay, sensor pose handling, projection to 3d point cloud available for other modules. The svs camera shutter is corrected for a few bugs, and can now generate a intensity histogram in pool-image 35 and estimate the horizon line. A new plugin 'obj3d' is introduced to use the 3D cloud information - for now it can display horizontal slizes in pool image 26-40 in different projections - some filtering is prepared, but not finished. The mission sequencer is not improved (much) from version 2.01.

Release 2.01

This version improves the SVS stereo camera plugin with horizon estimate as modelled by Fran (KU-LIFE). It includes a new plugin AUCRON that implements a way to execute bash commands regularly, e.g. every second. The commands are implemented in separate threads and may be started with a 'nice' pre-command, so that the commands do not take time from the main server thread. The version has changed a few functions in the server core, and is thus (probably) not compatible with plug-ins compiled against earlier versions.

Release 2.00

This release includes a functional SVS module that is capable of logging sets of stereo images, do illumination control - as suggested by fran, except that the mean value of the intensity histogram is used in place of the highest amplitude. The new mission scheduler plug-in AUMISSION is almost finished in this version, including IF statement ELSE statement structures, but misses a a functional BREAK <level> function.

Release 1.XX

The release notes got lost as the old wiki page were hacked - sorry.