Version and download

From Rsewiki

Latest versions

Default version SMRs is the version marked as default below.

Available for switchtool

  • 2012e spring 2012 version for slackware SVN version 1827
  • 2012f (compiled for slackware) SVN version 1902
  • 2012g (compiled for slackware) SVN version 3.22
  • 2012h default version (compiled for (x)ubuntu 12.04), SVN version 3.22

On (timmy) SVN: is version 2.1972 (as of 9 August 2012) - discontinued.

On (gbar) SVN: is version 3.22 (as of 29 August 2012).

Newer versions should be fetched from one of our servers (jensen, nyquist or bode) from /usr/local/smr/, where 'xxx' is the SVN version number. Other versions can be found in /opt/smr.yyyyz, where 'yyyyz' is the switchtool number from the list above, i.e.: switchtool 2012f switches to the version in /opt/smr.2012f.

The software is no longer directly available on the web. fff

Releases notes

Release notes

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