Installation in windows

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Installation i windows



Der skal installeres

Klienten er en Python2.7 (QT4/5) applikation, som kræver

Installation af NB! det skal være QT4 og x32 (ikke x64) og der skal indgå 'Py2.7' i filnavnet (eller sammenhæng mellem Python version og PyX.X i QT4 filnavnet.

Installeres bedst fra kommadolinien med

pip install pyserial

Tools to make exe file

To pack an application to an exe-file for windows.

Install from cmd line

pip install pyinstaller

If you then try

Error: Pyinstaller for Python 2.6+ needs pywin32 ...

Then go to then the link "browse all files"-> "pywin32" -> "build..." and find pywin32-XXX-win32-py2.7.exe

Run this installation

make EXE file

Make the python script to a single exe-file

in a windows cmd prompt, go to the directory with the main python script

pyinstaller --onefile

This will make a subdirectoty called dist. This holds the new application exe-file that can be copied to another windows (without administrator prviledes) and run!

Linux (debian based)

  • install python
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev

If python version 3 is used, then further packages are needed, and some code may have to change.

Teensy 3.1 code

To compile code to Teensy 3.1, and download to the robot requires a bit more

- Code loader - see - Code uses an arduino library, but is written in C (compiled with a C++ compiler), this requires further installation: @todo - see Nilas' report.