Flash disk cloning
SMR Flash Disk Cloning
Some of the SMR's now have solid-state flash memory disks, instead of the laptop, 2.5" disks used on older models.
This wiki page contains some notes describing how to write a bootable flash disk image (Slackware Linux) to a memory card. It assumes a Linux PC with USB flash card reader/writer, available as /dev/sda.
The commands below is implemented in this script Clone script. Usage:
clone <from_file.tar.gz> <to device>
<to device> can be both the USB bus (/dev/sdx) or a IDE device (/dev/hdx)
The script will place a file .cloned-at on the Flash Disk with time information for the cloning.
If you put the Flash Disk on the IDE bus and the computer will not boot (LILO - Timestamp mismatch) then the MBR on the Flash Disk must be erased as follows:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdx bs=1 count=512
Writing an image
Format the disk, with one large Linux partition:
sfdisk -L /dev/sda <<EOF ,,L,* EOF
Create a filesystem:
mke2fs /dev/sda1 -L /
Mount the new, empty partition:
mkdir -p /tmp/u mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/u
Write a previously created image from flash.tar.gz
zcat flash.tar.gz | tar --extract --file - --directory /tmp/u --preserve-permissions
Create a patched lilo.conf, so that we can run LILO with the flash card mounted via USB. (This won't be necessary if the image written above already contains such a file.)
patch -o /tmp/u/etc/lilo_usb.conf /tmp/u/etc/lilo.conf <<EOF *** /tmp/u/etc/lilo.conf Tue Nov 4 21:34:44 2003 --- lilo_usb.conf Thu Dec 11 11:50:55 2003 *************** *** 4,6 **** # Start LILO global section ! boot = /dev/hda message = /boot/boot_message.txt --- 4,7 ---- # Start LILO global section ! boot = /dev/sda ! disk = /dev/sda bios=0x80 message = /boot/boot_message.txt EOF
chroot /tmp/u lilo -v -C /etc/lilo_usb.conf
All done:
umount /dev/sda1 eject /dev/sda
Reading an image
Mount as above:
mkdir -p /tmp/u mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/u
Read the partition:
tar --create --file - --directory /tmp/u --one-file-system --exclude lost+found . | gzip > flash.tar.gz
tar -zcf - -C /tmp/u --one-file-system --exclude lost+found . > flash.tar.gz
All done:
umount /dev/sda1 eject /dev/sda