From Rsewiki
Multi robot simulator
Location is in mobotware/simulator/trunk, assuming mobotware is in the mobotware directory.
Simulation server
Example recipe to run simulation server
- Make an empty directory on the computer where the simulation server should run (a 32 bit linux computer with mobotware installed)
mkdir simserver
- copy the example configuration files
cd simserver cp -r mobotware/simulator/trunk/example .
- then in this directory the file simconfig.xml is the entry for the simulated world
- Default is 4 robots in a 4x4m square.
- start the sim server
- if it fails, complaining about missing rgb.txt, I made a symbolic link to these resources:
ln -s ~/mobotware/simulator/trunk/stage-3.2.2.DTU/assets/* .
Simulation client
In the same directory as the simulation server example, there is an example configuration for the 4 default robots (smr0..smr3).
Go to one of these directories, e.g.:
cd smr0 kate ulmsserver.ini
Edit the ulmsserver.ini as appropriate, especially the long path in the module load="..." path should be removed, only including the plug-in name, e.g.