Visual Tracking on Pixhawk

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Revision as of 15:01, 22 January 2016 by S123369 (talk | contribs)

System Overview

The tracker consists of:

  • A quarotor equipped with a Pixhawk, the Drone
  • A linux computer connected to a
  • HD webcam, and
  • 3DR telemetry radio.
  • Software running on the linux computer for tracking the drone, and sending the position over the telemetry link
  • Modified Pixhawk firmware with sensors added to the ekf2 module

Installation Instructions


= Default Pixhawk Firmware

For instructions on setting up the required tool chain and building the standard Pixhawk firmware, follow the tutorial at [1]

Important notes

Changes in files not concerning the EKF

The following files have been changed, to enable Mikrokopter BL-CTRL motor drivers and ultrasonic rangefinder: cmake/configs/nuttx_px4fmu-v2_default.cmake in the process the ekf2 module was added to the build list along with the useful tool listener. To free up some space, some unused modules were commented out of the build list.

SD card and parameters