Robobot Hardware

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Revision as of 16:16, 6 January 2018 by Jca (talk | contribs) (→‎Oled Display)


The main board that controls the hardware is from Regbot, But there is additions:

* A Raspberry pi 3 is the mission computer that integrates everything.
* A Raspberry Pi camera (version 2.1)
* An O-LED display from Hobbyelectronics - see figure 1 below.

Oled Display

Figure 1 Oled display 128x64 pixels for Raspberry PI IP adress and other relevant information.


 OLED -------- Arduino/Teensy
  GND -------- GND
  VCC -------- 3.3V
   D1 -------- D11(MOSI) (don't change)
   D0 -------- D13(SCK) (don't change)
   DC -------- D8 (can be any digital pin)
  RES -------- D9 (can be any digital pin)
   CS -------- D10 (can be any digital pin)