From Rsewiki
Flexbot PCBs
Teensy board
Figure 1. Plug names and pin allocation for Teensy board.
- IMU0, on-board, SCL0, pin 18-19, AD0=NC, Knee.
- IMU1, SCL1, pin 37_38-19, AD0=HIGH, Thigh (upper leg).
- IMU2, SCL1, pin 37_38-19, AD0=NC, Shin (lower leg).
- IMU3, SCL2, pin 3_4, AD0 = HIGH, Foot.
- IMU4, SCL2, pin 3_4, AD0 = NC, Hip.
Figure 2. Overview of cables in one leg with some wire details. The connection to robot base platform is 24V (10A) and USB only.
Figure 3. Functional blockdiagram og Teensy controller board. Not all blocks and MAV messages are implemented yet.
Figure 4. Layout of PCB (designed in Eagle).
Figure 5. PCB schematic - click on image to get better view.