24V switch
From Rsewiki
Switch - intended for a 24V motor with no more than 3-4A continuous current
The box has a microprocessor controllable with a simple set of commands.
power on power off power help
"help" shows the list of commands, when using e.g. putty as a client. "power" without parameter returns current setting as "# power is 0\n" or "# power is 1\n"
The schematic is as in figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematics for 24V switch. The teensy is a 3.2 (the pin layout is here for a teensy 3.5). The MOSFET is mounted on the PCB, but 1W (5A) should be OK. The fuse is an automotive-fuse, that could be replaced with 10A if close to 5A use.