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Revision as of 11:20, 8 November 2019 by Jca (talk | contribs) (→‎Current state)

Autonomous Systems Test Arena

Our new facility for cooperating autonomous systems - in air, on ground, on water and below water.

Rambøl - expected view of building from south.

Sketch of building 330D

Overall sketch of facility, an air dome, about 23 x 40m with a roof height of 14m. The dome is divided into 3 sections with drone (removeable) net. In one end is a pool 3.3 x 6.5 x 3m and in the same area a camera localization system for accurate ground truth localization.

Current state

Expected finalized in February 2020.

as of 23 October 2019. Edge foundation started.

as of 4 November 2019. First level of concrete in place, the upper part of the foundation to be cast Monday 11 November. Then the pool preparation is next.

After that the indoor asphalt and foundation for entrance, gate and emergency exits.

Dome delivery and mounting in January 2019.

Dome inflation and in-door preparation in February 2020.