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Autonomous Systems Test Arena

Our new facility for cooperating autonomous systems - in air, on the ground, on water and below the water surface.

Rambøl - expected view of building from the south - operational March 2020.


  • Pool - instructions for pool use.

Sketch of building 330D


Overall sketch of the facility, an air dome, about 24 x 40m (960 m^2) with a roof height of 14m. The dome is divided into 3 sections with drone net. In one end is a pool 3.5 x 6.5 x 3m deep and in the same area a camera localization system for accurate ground truth localization.


15 June to XXX):

* Termination of power, network and access control.
* Finalize installation of office cabin, storage, pool and camera truss.
* Grand opening - September

Current state

June 2020

As of 15 June 2020. The camera truss is almost there - unfortunately a few bolts were missing, but it is huge - fantastic.

As of 13 June 2020. The office cabin is almost ready - missing the roof and the main door only. Fire protection in place - for Lithium batteries, electronics and everything.

May 2020

As of 26 May 2020. The drone net is (almost) in place. The indoor office space is on its way and one of the storage cabins is almost complete. The second storage cabin is still a pile of timber in the background.

As of 20 May 2020. The pool is not yet filled - a pipe was missing, but now it seems to be the day (Photo: Michael Cole).

The drone net is elevated and the material for the cabins and the camera truss has arrived in the dome.

As of 6 May 2020. Finally some action - the pool is being filled (a bit) and the drone net is covering the ceiling.

April 2020

As of 6 Apr 2020. The pool lining is finished, but no water. Campus closed, so progress is slow.

March 2020

As of 26 Mar 2020. Now the pool lining is on its way, but we are still in a Corona closed campus, so progress is slow.

As of 19 Mar 2020. The external parts finished with a celebration before everything closed down. The progress has for some parts stopped, but the pool accessories are progressing and almost there, missing a bit of fence, some electricity and some water. The drone safety net is getting higher, but progress har stopped for now.

Febrary 2020

As of 27 Feb 2020. The weather is fine and Asta looks good. Central heating is in place and connected to the fan.

As of 24 Feb 2020. Now it looks a bit like the artist impression above. There is light and we got maintenance instructions by the supplier.


Timelapse from the inflation of ASTA (Fre 21 Feb 2020).

As of 21 Feb 2020 about 15:00. Inflation of the dome. The wind was a bit heavy, but no real harm is done. An amazing arena, almost like a cathedral (including the acoustics).

As of 21 Feb 2020 9:30. The rollout of the dome. 42 students and employee signed up to assist the manual process of unrolling the dome. First across, then stretch, and fine adjustment of the sides at the end.

As of 19 Feb 2020. The dome has arrived - white package to the right - and the new vehicle entrance is partially built - to the left. The right image shows the progress with asphalt, the base is wet, but the result looks OK (and hopefully stays that way).

(no picture)

As of 18 Feb 2020. The dome has arrived! Asphalt will be laid Wednesday.

As of 17 Feb 2020. During the weekend 10-15 m3 rain was captured by the cover. Today we - including Suzanne on the picture - removed the cower pouring the water over the edge, removing the cover sheets and the planks. So that the wind can dry the area. There may come some 1-2mm rain from Tuesday to Friday, so it should be OK for asphalt and possibly the dome too.

As of 15 Feb 2020. No asphalt this week, so we prepared for rain during the weekend, to ensure a fairly dry area Wednesday for asphalt. The crew is Trine, Søren, Mikkel, Helge, Lazaros and me (taking the picture).

As of 6 Feb 2020. District heating pipes are ready. The area is ready for asphalt.

January 2020

As of 29 Jan 2020. Heating to keep ASTA frost-free using DTU district heating is being prepared. The platform in the front is for heating and the inflation fan, the heating pipes should arrive at the bottom of the image.

As of 22 Jan 2020. Levelling of terrain, so that the asphalt will be at the same level as the rim foundation (Foto Michael Cole).

As of 21 Jan 2020. Pool backfilling is finished, including pipe and drainage. And we now can have a first look into the pool.

As of 17 Jan 2020. The site is (almost) cleared for levelling before asphalt.

As of 15 Jan 2020. Entrance by vehicles are slight to the left of the "main" road and is now visible. The pool is now isolated and in the process of being backfilled.

As of 13 Jan 2020. Entrance platforms are cast, now the only concrete that remains is a small platform for the ventilation (the square to the right).

As of 8 Jan 2020. The platform at the entrance (picture) as well as the emergency exit, fans and port are being prepared.

December 2019

As of 30 Dec 2019. Quit Xmas-times. The water around the pool is clear and still, and the water tower in the background is still there.

As of 20 Dec 2019. The pool concrete is finished. After some days of hardening, it is to be sealed from groundwater. Then it can be back-filled for asphalt preparation.

As of 16 Dec 2019. The concrete form is being removed and the pool concrete starts showing.

As of 12 Dec 2019. Reinforcement - almost - in place, sides will be cast Friday (13 Dec 2019)

As of 10 Dec 2019. Reinforcement in stainless steel for the pool sides is being built.

As of 9 Dec 2019. The pool is on its way, the bottom plate is cast.

As of 4 Dec 2019. All quiet, waiting for the pool people.

After that the indoor asphalt and foundation for entrance, gate and emergency exits.

November 2019

As of 27 Nov 2019. The pool pit is finished and a clean base for the pool is in place. The outside drain is in progress.

As of 22 Nov 2019. Pool pit progressing and preparing for the outside drain.

As of 20 Nov 2019. Pool pit started and final part of the foundation (entrance) cast.

As of 18 Nov 2019. The foundation looks good and excavating for the pool has started. The plan is to cast the entrance on Wednesday and the bottom of the pool-hole on Friday, ready for the pool team on Monday 27 Nov.

As of 14 Nov 2019. Most of the foundation is now cast and the form is being removed. The casting of the entrance part of the foundation is being prepared.

As of 11 Nov 2019. The final height of foundation being marked and in-door floor levelling in the background (before asphalt) - except for pool area (upper left).

As of 8 Nov 2019. Concrete form for foundation cast in place. This is the corner, where the pool is to be placed.

as of 4 Nov 2019. The first level of concrete in place.

October 2019

as of 23 October 2019. Edge foundation started.


This page is (mainly) maintained by Christian Andersen (