Drone control

From Rsewiki

Drone project

This project is intended to be a rather simple core drone stabilizer application based on Teensy and the prop shield.

Intended to be expanded with an outer control loop with a non-realtime sensor, e.g. GNSS, camera or laser scanner.


Build on a hand-wired PCB as a prototype

Drone control hardware

Drone software

Drone firmware

Propeller - motor performance

Drone motor performance

Motor test app

Drone motor test app

Matlab simulation

Drone MATLAB simulation

MATLAB simulation

Once the drone hardware (mass, configuration, motor and propeller) is known, then it can be simulated in Matlab simulink. The script in the doc/matlab directory has scrips for the simulation and estimating a linear transfer function in an operating point and calculate the needed controller parameters (roll, pitch, yaw - velocity and position as well as height control).

Further controllers for lateral velocity are added too, but these last controllers are not included in the drone firmware.

Simulink model of hexacopter.

Sim mechanics simulated hex-drone hoovering.