Optitrack on Raspberry Pi

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Using Optitrack and thin NatNet client


The PacketClient described here is a "Direct Depacketization" code for NatNet and is not using the NatNat SDK, and thus have to be updated if the data structure used in NatNet is changed.

The Git repository is maintained, so you should keep the modifications to this file small, so that future updates are easily integrated.


Get client from https://github.com/b4be1/packet-client-linux e.g. from the raspberry:

git clone https://github.com/b4be1/packet-client-linux.git
cd packet-client-linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


NatNetClient.py    - python client
requirements.txt   - almost empty
CMakeLists.txt     - cmake instructions
PacketClient.cpp   - source code
README.md          - how to use/compile

The CMakeLists.txt is rather short (only the pthread library is needed):

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Wall")
add_executable(PacketClient PacketClient.cpp)
target_link_libraries(PacketClient pthread)

Raspberry setup

On the raspberry pi set the wireless network to access the dedicated Optitrack network

Modify the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf by adding the network groups, maybe the 5Ghz SSID should have the highest priority.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



Restart the network by reboot or just restart the network

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Optitrack setup

In EDIT mode

In 'View' and 'Data streaming pane' select local interface to the IP address of the server and deselect other streaming services (VRPN and Trackd)

Then go live, and assuming there is rigid bodys, streaming should commence

modify source

The NatNet version should be changed - it is hard-coded in source file.

 cd ~/packet-client-linux
 nano PacketClient.cpp

A bit down change the NatNetVersion to 3.1 (to fit Motive version 2.2)

// Versioning
int NatNetVersion[4] = {3, 1, 0, 0};
int ServerVersion[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

Compile the client


cd ~/packet-client-linux/build

Run the client

cd ~/packet-client-linux/build
./PacketClient DESKTOP-OVLVRUD.local

where DESKTOP-OVLVRUD is the hostname of the optitrack server (in ASTA) and is the IP of the raspberry pi in this case.

Data in client

The client should then print package data on the console, like

Begin Packet
Message ID : 7
Byte count : 220
Frame # : 285290
Marker Set Count : 0
Rigid Body Count : 1
ID : 20
pos: [0.73,0.57,-0.15]
ori: [-0.01,-0.00,1.00,0.02]
Mean marker error: 0.00
Tracking Valid: True
Skeleton Count : 0
Labeled Marker Count : 4
ID  : [MarkerID: 1] [ModelID: 20]
pos : [0.72,0.50,-0.15]
size: [0.01]
err:  [0.00]
ID  : [MarkerID: 2] [ModelID: 20]
pos : [0.78,0.53,-0.14]
size: [0.01]
err:  [0.00]
ID  : [MarkerID: 3] [ModelID: 20]
pos : [0.74,0.62,-0.15]
size: [0.01]
err:  [0.00]
ID  : [MarkerID: 4] [ModelID: 20]
pos : [0.66,0.64,-0.15]
size: [0.01]
err:  [0.00]
Timestamp : 2377.417
Mid-exposure timestamp : 12335057189261
Camera data received timestamp : 12335057223494
Transmit timestamp : 12335057235053
End Packet

The data is thus available in the client and should be integrated in the intended application (by further source code editing).