
From Rsewiki

Camera server

Intended for image handling functions.

The following camera-related plug-ins are available:

  • Camera control (camget, camset etc)
  • Image access (imageget, imageset) access to fresh images.
  • Image pool handling (poolget poollist etc.) pool of imege buffers with image handling functionality.
  • Guidemark detection (gmkget) giudemark 3D pose and code
  • Road outline plugin (pathget) polygon with road outline matching a seed area.
  • Sample plugin (center of gravity)

The following cameras are supported:

  • all USB cameras supported by the pwc (Philips Web Cam) driver, e.g.
  • - Philips 740K, 840K,
  • - Logitech Orbit
  • A few frame-grapper cards (I have not tried for a long time)
  • IEEE1394 DCI-standard
  • IEEE1394 DVI - not supported
  • palantir streaming video - not supported p.t.

To run the server


It then shows a command prompt:


To monitor images and results use the monitoring client UCLIENT or AUCLIENT (or the server console directly - or as a last resort TELNET)


>> module list

For heneral help about the server and a list of all available commandes (from all plug-ins) use:

>> help

Each of the listed commands should have an on-line help function, e.g:

>> camset help

Typical configuration SMR

A camera server configuration for the SMR could be:

server dataPath="/vhome/jca/logfiles"
server imagepath="/vhome/jca/logfiles/imgorg"
module load=var
module load=gmk
module load=odopose
odopose log
# camera parameters for GUPPY camera (device 10)
camset device=10 focallength=650
camset device=10 posx=0.4 posy=0.0 posz=0.87 rotphi=0.3
module load=path
# ballfinder and configuration
module load="./aub2.so.0"
var b2.redlim="105 127 129 180"
var b2.bluelim="115 200 95 132"
var b2.ballsize=0.12
var b2.topline=75
var b2.minsize=20
var b2.maxsize=65
# log images from device 10
camset device=10 log
# use an image every 1.5 seconds (image is logged and available in image pool)
push t=1.5 cmd="imageget img=10"
# use the image to find balls every time image 10 is updated
poolpush img=10 cmd="ball blue debug='true'"

Logfile for odometry and used images will then be produced in datapath, and the images saved in the imagepata.

These files cam be replayed for repeated function testing.

Make a directory for the replay configuration, e.g. replay/ballfinder:

mkdir ~/replay/ballfinder
cd ~/replay/ballfinder

place a copy of the cameraserver configuration file ucamserver.ini in this directory.

Make a subdirectory in this directory, e.g. called log

mkdir log
cd log

Place the logfiles (odoPose.log and image.log) in this directory

cp <sourcedir>/*.log .

Make a further subdirectory for the images, this directory MUST be called imgorg

mkdir imgorg
cp <imagepath>/*.png imgorg/

The ucamserver.ini need to be modified slightly to enable the replay:

server dataPath="/vhome/jca/logfiles"
server imagepath="/vhome/jca/logfiles/imgorg"
server replayPath="/vhome/jca/replay/ballfinder"              <--- new
module load=var
module load=gmk
module load=odopose
odopose replay                                                <--- new
# odopose log                                                 <--- changed to comment
# camera parameters for GUPPY camera (device 10)
camset device=10 focallength=650
camset device=10 posx=0.4 posy=0.0 posz=0.87 rotphi=0.3
camset device=10 replay                                       <--- new
module load=path
# ballfinder and configuration
module load="./aub2.so.0"
var b2.redlim="105 127 129 180"
var b2.bluelim="115 200 95 132"
var b2.ballsize=0.12
var b2.topline=75
var b2.minsize=20
var b2.maxsize=65
# log images from device 10
# camset device=10 log=false                                  <--- changed to comment
# use an image every 1.5 seconds (image is logged and available in image pool)
# push t=1.5 cmd="imageget img=10"                            <--- changed to comment
# use the image to find balls every time image 10 is updated
poolpush img=10 cmd="ball blue debug='true'"

Then the replay can commence, first start the camera server in the configuration directory

cd ~/replay/ballfinder

When the cameraserver is started, then the stepping can start

>> camset step
<camset info="Stepped to 1266588079.109762 line 2 in image.log"/>
Ball position  x:   4.1385  y:   0.5525  z:   0.2767

This will advance to the next image in the logfile, and some messages may be printed on the console. The image will be loaded into the image-pool with the same image number as the original device number (here 10).

The odometry pose may be stepped too:

>> odopose step
<odopose tod="1266588094.529696" time="15:01:34.529" logLine="2"/>

This may advance the image.log file too (to the same log-time), and thus trigger another image and any command related to that image.