Motor drive

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Revision as of 14:01, 18 April 2024 by Jca (talk | contribs)

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Load arduino and Teensyduino

Install Arduino version 1.8.19 for the platform, find it here

Unpack in the Downloads directory (to fit the path in the Makefile)

cd ~/Downloads
tar -xf arduino-1.8.19-linuxaarch64.tar.xz

Install Teensyduino from

Make the installer executable and install it on top of the Arduino installation.

chmod +x TeensyduinoInstall.linuxaarch64

Raspberry 5

Compiling motor drive on the Raspberry 5 failed in one of the Teensy libraries.

This was fixed by renaming a few files in the library:

cd ~/Downloads/arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/libraries/USBHost_t36/
mv BluetoothConnection.cpp BluetoothConnection.cpp.not  
mv bluetooth.cpp bluetooth.cpp.not
mv joystick.cpp joystick.cpp.not

It was probably in the Bluetooth part, but I failed to remove Bluetooth from joystick.cpp, so all USB-host joystick support has gone.

OK for this project.