Release notes

From Rsewiki

Release 2.01

This version improves the SVS stereo camera plugin with horizon estimate as modelled by Fran (KU-LIFE). It includes a new plugin AUCRON that implements a way to execute bash commands regularly, e.g. every second. The commands are implemented in separate threads and may be started with a 'nice' pre-command, so that the commands do not take time from the main server thread. The version has changed a few functions in the server core, and is thus (probably) not compatible with plug-ins compiled against earlier versions.

Release 2.00

This release includes a functional SVS module that is capable of logging sets of stereo images, do illumination control - as suggested by fran, except that the mean value of the intensity histogram is used in place of the highest amplitude. The new mission scheduler plug-in AUMISSION is almost finished in this version, including IF statement ELSE statement structures, but misses a a functional BREAK <level> function.

Release 1.XX

The release notes got lost as the old wiki page were hacked - sorry.