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Raspberry PI camera

This plugin uses the android driver for Raspberry Pi camera.

To compile the 'userland-master' driver must be installed - as described on the installation page (Install on raspberry)


The plugin has possibility to set camera parameters (shutter, white ballance, exposure metering and gain) along with image size (up to 2048 x 2048) at framerates up to 30.

CPU load is 10% at 30 fps and image size of 1024 x 512.

The driver can generate a pyramid of images with halved resolution - using the graphics processor.

camera plugin configuration

  silent=1                   (rw) show less messages to console
  updCnt=0                   (r) Number of updates
  framerate=2 0              (rw) [desired, measured] (frames/sec)
  resolution=512 1024        (rw) resolution (height x width) max 2048x2048
  pyramidLevels=4            (rw) number of halfed image size levels
  shutter=0 0                (rw) 0 is auto, else in usec
  gain=0 0                   (rw) ISO (analog) 0:auto, gain from ~50 to ~2000
  exposeMode=1 1             (rw) exposure mode 0:off, 1:auto, 2:night, 4:backlight,
                             5:spotlight, 6:sport, 7:snow,
  meter=1 1                  (rw) exposure meter 0:avg, 1: spot, 2: backlit. 3: matrix
  white=1 1                  (rw) White ballance 0:off, 1:auto, 2:sun, 3:cloud,
                             4:shade, 5: tungsten, 6:flurorescent, 7:incandecent,
                             8:flash, 9:horizon
  camDeviceNum=13            (r/w) index to camera info (and image number)
  open=1 1                   (rw) [0]: set to 0 to close set to 1 to open, [1]:
                             0:isclosed 1:isopen
  time=1431868466.6728       (r) Time at last update
  imageLogN=0                (rw) log images (color and depth) every Nth imageset (0 =
                             close log)

All configuration settings has two values, first is desired, second is reported by camera.

ucamserver.ini file

Possible camera configuration. Focal length is not measured.

# camera server scriptfile
server imagepath="."
server datapath="."
server replayPath="log"
module load=var
module load=odopose
module load=mappose
module load=utmpose
# camera parameters
camset device=13 focallength=715
camset device=13 posX=0.04 posy=0.0 posZ=0.3 rotPhi=0.1
var picam.resolution="1024 512"
var picam.framerate=3
var picam.pyramidLevels=4
picam open
var picam.white=7
var picam.imagelogn=1


Images can be recorded at about 5 images per second size (1024 x 512) - format is YUV420 (raw camera format). The saved images is in BMP-format, but the image itself is still YUV420, so it looks werd in a BMP viewer.

The recorded images can be replayed using the camera pool utility.


In a replay directory make a subdirectory called log/rawimg. Copy all images to this directory.

Move the picamImage.log to the log/ directory and rename it to image.log

ucamserver.ini for replay

Set the replay path to log, as shown here

server imagepath="."
server datapath="."
server replayPath="log"
module load=var
module load=odopose
# camera parameters
camset device=13 focallength=715
camset device=13 posX=0.04 posy=0.0 posZ=0.3 rotPhi=0.1
camset replay
camset step

You may add the pyramide image creation as on the Raspberry:

poolpush img=13 cmd="poolget img=13 toimg=14 scale=0.5"
poolpush img=14 cmd="poolget img=14 toimg=15 scale=0.5"