Install on raspberry

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  • Raspberry pi - version 3 or 4
  • SD-card preferably at least 16Gb
  • Monitor with HDMI (version 3) or micro HDMI (version 4) cable
  • keyboard - and optional a mouse
  • Access to network (wired or wifi)
  • Power - either an USB charger or cable to a PC (micro USB (version 3) or USB-C (version 4)

It should be possible to start using USB or wifi connection from a PC without extra screen or keyboard, find solutions on internet - I have not tried.

Make SD card a FAT32 partision, if reusing an old card

A new SD-card is fine as is, else

see for instruction to prepare any old or new SD-card

Add boot-files to SD card

RPI imager

Version 10 (buster) is easily installed using the 'Raspberry pi imager', on Linux install with

snap install rpi-imager

and follow the screen



Get the install zip-file from

Then unpack NOOBS zip-file to the new disk (use the newest version), like for the network version

unzip -d /media/xxx/yyyy  or
unzip ~/Downloads/raspberry/  (if you are on the empty flash)

or for the full version

unzip -d /media/xxx/yyyy  or
unzip ~/Downloads/raspberry/  (if you are on the empty flash)


  • Insert SD card on Raspberry,
  • Mount a heatsink - especially needed on version 4,
  • Connect monitor, keyboard and (USB) power

That is all, Raspberry should boot on that, and take some time to prepare the SD-Card. Or see instructions on e.g.:

  • Boot the raspberry and install the Raspberry Pi OS full (Debian).
  • On the bottom of the screen select keyboard layout and language,


  • Leave the pi password as is (for future reuse)
  • Select language (prefer English - also for future reuse)
  • select wifi access - if not using a cable.

Usefull Linux commands

Here are some common commands in Linux

ls     (directory file list)
cd     (change to home directory)
cd some_directory    (change to a subdirectory)
exit   (logout, e.g. of a ssh session)
grep -n string_to_look_for_in_a_file  *.cpp     (find a string in a file, e.g. a variable or a function)
sudo some_command    (execute a command as "root" - root is a superuser with administrator rights to everything)
pkill some_application_name  (stop (or kill) a running process with name "some_application_name")
pgrep some_application_name  (see if a process is running - good to use before a kill)
mv  from_file to_file    (rename a file)
cp  from_file to_file    (copy a file)
rm  some_file            (remove (delete) a file)
nano some_file           (simple text editor)
zip, unzip               (pack or unpack files -  try zip --help   to see how.
top     (see process load and memory usage)
make    (compile all as described in the "Makefile" in the same directory)
make -j4 (compile using up to 4 CPU cores - faster if more files need to be compiled)

All commands have an online help if you add --help or -h after the command. If this is not enough, then try

man ls

to get the manual page for the ls command.



use raspi-config, start a terminal:

sudo raspi-config

Using raspi-config

Enable Camera
Set hostname (one word, no space)
Enable SSH
Disable Serial login
boot as a console with login
Update firmware
Set locale to "en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8" (danish keyboard, but English language)

Update operating system

Ensure you have internet access, then

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo reboot