This page is for ROBOBOT, an extension of REGBOT with a raspberry pi and three wheels.
Installation observations
From homepage, installed version XXX
To be able to install mobotware
Follow the guide under REGBOT
sudo apt install dnsmasq
allow dnsmasq to provide IP to pear-to-pear networks Edit the /etc/dnsmasq.conf and change/add the following line (for eth0)
To work, the eth0 must have an IP, if noone provides one, change /etc/dhcpcd.conf (dhcp client deamon) to have a default IP, if no DHCP server is available
Add the following lines at the end of /etc/dhcpcd.conf
# define static profile profile static_eth0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers= # fallback to static profile on eth0 interface eth0 fallback static_eth0 # define static profile profile static_eth1 static ip_address= static routers= #static domain_name_servers= # fallback to static profile on eth1 interface eth1 fallback static_eth1
This will also give a default IP for an eventual second network (usb-to-cable) if needed
Used as DHCP server for pear-to-pear communication with a PC.
- failsto start dnsmasq ???
Requires a number of packages - see Install on raspberry
ROBOBOT demo C++
This is an examplesoftware in C++ to access both raspberry camera and REGBOT, and with an example mission controlled from the raspberry.