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Project to automate the nice fejemis brush-cleaner

Autonomous Fejemis

Figure: Sketch of Fejemis from OnShape. The front part in yellow and black is a commercial brush for industry floor. The manual handle has been replaced with the Fejemis drive system. The front wheel can be lowered to allow the brush to be lifted when not in use.

Main electronics

Figure: The main hardware blocks. Two Teensy processors are the interface to the hardware. The drive processor controls the drive motors, safety and battery system. The front processor controls the brush and the front wheel to lift the brush. A main PC integrates the functionality with additional sensors to allow autonomous operation.

Teensy firmware

Fejemis Teensy software is build using standard Arduino library configurations. The interface to the main PC is organized as text-lines.

Battery control

The Fejemis battery control is a 24V system (2x3cell LiPo 5Ah) with power on-off and measurement electronics. There is on-board chargers for all batteries.

Brush unit

The Fejemis brush unit is a commercial brush that comes with its own battery (12V), charger and motor control. The unit is slightly modified to to allow measurement and control from the software.

Main software

The PC is the main introller.
