Basebot software
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Install SVN
The software is in an SVN repository.
SVN is an open-source repository management software
Adobe subversion, see:
Install a version for your platform.
Get Basebot source
The repository address is
If you have a command line version of SVN, then:
svn checkout svn://
This will give you a file structure like this:
basebot + basebot_6 | + basebot_6.ino | + Makefile | + src | | + (basebot support files) + include + lib + platformio.ini + test
The top directory (basebot) is for "MS Visual Studio Code", the basebot.ino is the Arduino code and the subdirectory src is the support code that makes it a basebot.
Development environment (IDE)
Open Arduino and select the basebot_6.ino.
Then, set the board to Teensy 4.1.
You should now be able to compile and upload the code to the robot.
Editing the basebot files in the src subdirectory can not be done in the Arduino IDE, but maybe that is unnecessary.
The basebot will send data to the serial monitor. This data needs to be stored in a file for Matlab use, and another serial monitor or other tool probably has to be used.
Visual studio code (Linux)
Install MS Visual Studio from