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AU Robot Servers: Bugs and new requests


15 may 2008: The barcode (getGMK command) does not seem to rely on image size when calculating the x-coordinate for the barcode guidemark.

Probably right, I will check and change as needed / Christian

automatic test

Automated regression test on all classes :) (holidays are overrated anyway)

process manager

3 aug 2007: A process manager is needed to ensure all needed servers including smrdemo is running and functional.

25 apr 2010: A keeper manager solution is used on the Hako tractor - solves most issues.

HTML client

3 aug 2007: HTML applet to monitor and control robot.

1. reply: Anders Beck may have a skeleton solution. 2. solution in progress by Thomas.

25 apr 2010: 3. candidate by Daniel (and 2 others) - extended from 2 first attempts - can do a lot, but is missing a graphic overview. Latest version on the SVN in the 'marg' directory.

Fixed/closed issues

Arrays and strings in rule syntax

1 dec 2008: strings and arrays should be possible as global/local variables Is now possible (feb 2009)

rule state - omits structs

1 dec 2008: The rule state do not print value of struct-type local variables Is now fixed (feb 2009)

case statement

1 dec 2008: A case statement would be nice in the rule-based language. -- Now a case is available

if (a = b) => crash

1 dec 2008: A compare (a==b) typed as (a=b) makes protection error (in rule based syntax) in some cases, in other cases no syntax error is reported. -- fixed (now a warning is issued only)

Block in post code allowed?

1 dec 2008: is this allowed, and why not? -- is now alloed

3 sug 2007: The ausmr-plugin version 1.77 stops (server goes into deadlock) when the 'smr connect' command is issued. In version 1.77 start and connect are automatic when the plugin is loaded. Work around: make a 'smr hup' (hangup) to stop automatic reconnect to smrdemo and then a 'smr connect' to restart automatic reconnect.

Ulmsserver version 1.96-1.97 makes random segmentation faults, not in the loaded modules but in the server itself inbetween module calls. This is esspecially true with a very little modified version of the AuEfLine module in combination with a scanpush command. We suspect that only modules that actally uses the laser data is bugged. - reply: test in progress (ok after 2 hours) / christian

14 may 2008: U2Dline & U2Dlined functions getOnLine() returns 0, eventhough it is stated that they actually return the distance from the point to the line! - reply: no it returns a position lx,ly in the two output parameters as intended. The return value was set to 0, but is now changed to void / christian)

13 september 2007: A replay plugin manager is needed, so that a <replay step laser> can be issued to step one replay line from the laser logfile, and advance other replay logfiles to the same time - e.g. robot pose (posehist) and image log. Cureently laser replay is implemented only and a laser scan update triggers a pose update (either implicit from the laser logfile or from a pose history logfile). Replay of global variable changes are missing (replaying changes due to manual intervention, scripted changes or due to sensed data).

3 aug 2007: Smrcl command drive (ausmr plugin 1.77) is not tested much, but seems to work, NB! after a sequence of smrcl commands you should issue an 'idle' (smr cmd="idle") or in sequenser script: "'idle') : false" or a seq add="'idle') : false". This prevents the mmr from beeing unstable (too much slag in wheels)

3 aug 2007 (in version 1.78): Server (ulmsserver version 1.76) often makes a 'segmentation fault' during shut-down. (valid for userver too, when a number of plugins were loaded).

8 mar 2008: (in version 1.91) IEEE-1394 interface is missing in camera server (ucamserver 1.68).

8 mar 2008: (in version 1.83) Status for pose history streaming should be available (including source channel: smrdemo client number or otherwise).