The drivebase rule implements a number of rules to allow a HAKO like implementation of mobotware to execute missions. The mission itself should be formed as a rule describing the mission waypoints, and may be supplemented by additional rules defining special behaviour - like speed or tool action - in e.g. geographic areas.
This description reflects the drivebase version 2.777 (6 nov 2009)
The drivebase is placed in the distribution at:
or it can be seen (in the 2.777 version) here
The basic principle is that the mission describes the next waypoint as a target pose - in one of the allowed coordinate systems. The allowed coordinate systems are odometry, UTM (zone 33), map coordinates (that relates to the UTM coordinates with an origin in UTM coordinates).
The drivebase then converts (if needed) to odometry coordinates and requests a manoeuvre to get the robot to the requested pose. This may involve obstacle avoidance - if allowed.
The process can be paused by setting a pause flag, and a waypoint can be skipped by setting another flag.
If the waypoint is far away (typically more than 10-15m) then a carrot point is inserted about 10m from current position, but on the line described by the desired waypoint pose.
The (sub) rules implementing this behavior is as follows:
Defines the global variable with default values, e.g: = false = true # waits in a state with low RPM = false = 1 # continues when closer than this from next node = true # try hold line from last waypoint, else go direct 1900; 'none' global.mission.leg= 0 odoPose.tripTimeB= 0 odoPose.tripB= 0
The mentioned '' variables can be set by the mission as appropriate,
(more to come)