Flexbot parts list

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This page should hold the complete parts list for Flexbot. When adding a new component, please update correspondingly.

PCB and cables

The printed circuit boards and cabling are described here:

All PCB and connector pinout


Hip section

Knee section

  • DLA-12-20-A-250-HS2-ip65 - Transmotec actuator 12V, 500N, 25cm stroke, with magnetic encoder. Each encoder channel deliveres 13.8 transitions every mm, i.e. two channels delivers a transition every 0.0362mm. At 20V (0.8A no load) motor voltage (12V motor) the hall channel period is T=6.2ms => 23mm/s, at 12V (0.65A no load) T=10.2ms => 14.9mm/s. 12V full stroke 17 sek (25cm) = 14.7mm/s.
  • Cytron 10A DC Motor Driver - model RB-Cyt-132
  • MPU-9250/6500 - IMU (x3) --- nej, ikke Sparkfun, men det "blå" breakout print - dog lille sparkfun til version B print.
  • Teensy 3.5 - μ-processor board
  • Pololu D24V22F5 - 24V to 5V voltage regulator
  • Connectors and headers for the electronics - to be determined later.
  • - fjederben



  • FIDRacing DBXL front hub (FIDXL032) steering parts, including axle (but no wheel nut)
  • RovalLosi LT Wheel nut
  • RovanLosi LT tyre inner foam
  • -tire?
  • (link) - flex coupling between motor and wheel
  • (link) - 6mm axle



Description - of some of the 3D printed parts


Parts for steering actuator mounting.


Parts for foot rear set, left and right.

--Jca (talk) 13:02, 9 June 2018 (CEST)