Mobotware Changes for 18.04

From Rsewiki

Ubuntu 18.04 transition

Changes introduced to compile with ubuntu linux 18.04

SVN version 947 aumat compiles OK SVN version 948 aurobotservers compile, but is missing camera plugin and test

RHD profibus fails to compile STAGE simulator fails to compile


legacy/compat.hpp no longer exist

with this the original cvFitEllipse(...) no longer is available

* ball-finder auball and auballkl (a better version) is lacking functional content - commented out
* aucroprow is removed frol compile list (same cvFitEllipse(...) problem and maybe more
* auimgseg is removed - depend on opencv cv::ocl::oclMat - probably an early version of cv3::Mat
* aupipi is removed - depend on old cv code - old function anyhow
* aurosebot is removed - missing some opencv defines CV_RGB - and maybe more


* In urob4 streaming of images in and out - via UImgPush - has been removed - was not totally debugged anyhow. No rework needed I suppose.
* auv4lgst is a problem - should be reworked.
* auv4lgst is removed - depend on old gstreamer version 0.1


* seems to work - not tested. Except test program, that uses more funky methods. May give problems later.


* no problem found yet.


all except profibus seems OK

STAGE simulator
