Regbot GUI

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Install Python

Install python and the python install program pip.


Install Python from Microsoft store (Includes pip). (Should be python version 3.x)


Install Python (version 3.x) Maybe it is installed by default (I have no MAC)


install pip (Python Install Program)

sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install pip

Install Python packages


Open a terminal window (search for 'cmd' app)

At the command prompt install these packages:

> pip install pyqt4
> pip install pyserial
> pip install pyqtgraph
> pip install numpy


The same packages are needed.


> pip install pyqt5
> pip install pyqtgraph
> pip install pyserial
> pip install numpy


The REGBOT GUI is just a set of python files

There are two options

  • Get the python files from a zip-file (available in Learn)
  • Get the newest version from repository (SVN)

From zip file

Unzip the Python files (many files (23), so keep them in a clean directory).

From SVN repository

Make sure your PC has SVN (Apache subversion) support.


Install e.g. SilkSVN (, this is a command-line interface, but there are other packages too.

Start a 'cmd' terminal after installation.

Linux (and MAC)

sudo apt install subversion

Get the GUI Python files

Open a terminal window, change the directory, to where you want to install, e.g. called 'svn'

mkdir svn
cd svn
svn checkout svn://
cd regbot_gui

There should be several Python files, including ''.

Start the Regbot GUI

Go to the directory, where the Python files are placed.

  • Execute the '' file.

From a terminal

cd regbot_gui