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Git repository

The git repository holds all project files. This includes:

  • 3D files (*.stl)
  • Schematics (exported from and available through Upverter)
  • Datasheets and documentation for all hardware components
  • Software for the Flexbot

Use this page to browse:;a=tree

Read only access

Get a copy of all

git clone git://

This should not ask for a username/password

Read write access

First get a copy of the repository (will be in a subdirectory called 'flexbot'.

git clone

Then to refresh the copy, go to the flexbot directory and say:

git pull

Adding new files

git add foo.cpp bar.h
git commit -m "commit message (i.e. what was changed)"
git push

After modifying files, this may be easier (there may be simpler ways, but then I don't know)

git add *.h *.cpp
git commit -m "commit message (i.e. what was changed)"
git push

--Jca (talk) 12:58, 9 June 2018 (CEST)