SMR Peer to Peer Networking

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SMR configuration

Please note that not all the pcmcia cards are good at peer-to-peer. The Lucent WaveLAN Silver (MAC manufacturer/product code: 00:60:1d) works fine in Infrastructure mode, but does not work at all in peer-to-peer. This is tested with both a PC/104 pcmcia adapter and a PCI adapter on the card 00:60:1d:f1:b5:b7. The Avaya and Lucent Orinoco cards (MAC manufacturer: 00:02:2d) works fine in both modes. This might spare someone for a few hours of head scratching. The PCI cards with antennas do not necessarily work the same way as these, but I have not tested them. /NHA

With Slackware Linux, two configuration files must be modified in order for an SMR to communicate peer-to-peer with other hosts. Edit the files using e.g. 'jed'


In the section for the SMR wireless card (e.g. Wavelan IEEE Lucent), change the two variables ESSID and MODE to the values below:

ESSID="SMR Network"


In the section for the wireless device (e.g. eth0), change USE_DHCP to "no", and set static IP network settings:

# Config information for eth0:

Replace xxx with 100 plus the number from the SMR hostname: smr4 would be, for example. Make sure that the above keywords appear once only - e.g. There may be a GATEWAY="" at the end.

Reboot smr to implement requires restart of pcmcia and ethernet, so from a ssh session it may be easier just to reboot (but will clear the ram-disk):

$ reboot

The alternative is to use a local console and the commands (this will preserve what is on the ram-disk):

$ /etc/rc.d/rc.pcmcia restart
$ /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart

To verify the new interface use the command

$ ifconfig

This should show the correct IP number etc. for interface eth0.

MS Windows configuration

Corresponding changes must be made in Windows.

  1. Set the wireless network adaptor to ad-hoc mode with ESSID "SMR Network".
  1. Set TCP/IP properties to static IP,