From Rsewiki
Hardware design overview and open items (to-do).
Mechanical design modification to do list - design change request list (please amend when you note a problem / and delete when solved)
Software to do list - change request and to do (please amend when you note a problem / and delete when solved)
Flexbot parts list (please note, when you know)
Documents, drawings and software (git repository)
Project plan notes
Importing model from OnShape being written.
Current state of Flexbot
Software terminal interface
Each Teensy can be interfaced separately via USB communication. Simply plug in a USB cable, open a serial communication in Putty, Arduino or whatever you prefer and type
This should return a menu with all options for the connected device. This should include:
- Changing controller and reference parameters
- Starting and stopping
- Printout of sensor data (to be used for debugging)
- Adding and removing items for logging
- Logging features (start logging, log interval and retrieve log in a MATLAB compatible format)
- Save and load to and from EEPROM (holds logging parameters and controller setting)