Robobot processor
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Reset of Teensy configuration
Fresh software tor green PCB (V8)
Upload the newly compiled software (from Raspberry or directly from a PC), e.g.
./upload Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.3 Read "build/teensy_firmware_8.ino.hex": 202752 bytes, 2.5% usage Waiting for Teensy device... (hint: press the reset button)
Remember to hold the power button.
= Fresh flash configuration
If the flash configuration has changed, then use these commands.
- Set robot number to invalid:
setidx 0
- Reboot the processor
- Set a valid robot number
setidx <robot-number> sethw 8 eew
- Calibrate line sensor, place on white tape (all sensor)
licw eew
- Calibrate distance sensor (values need to be found)
irc A13 A50 B13 B50 1