Robobot processor
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Reset of Teensy configuration
Configuration commands to update or initialize a Robobot with version 8 PCB.
Stop the Teensy user
If the Raspberry is running, then stop the teensy_interface
pkill teensy_interfac
The last 'e' is missing; the process names are limited to 15 characters.
Fresh software
Upload the newly compiled software (from Raspberry or directly from a PC), e.g.
./upload Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.3 Read "build/teensy_firmware_8.ino.hex": 202752 bytes, 2.5% usage Waiting for Teensy device... (hint: press the reset button)
Remember to hold the power button.
Disable the CRC check to make the console printout look better (interactive flag). This also prevents the Teensy from stopping communicating due to a lack of activity (60 seconds).
i 1
Fresh flash configuration
If the flash configuration has changed, then use these commands.
- Set robot number to invalid and save to flash:
setidx 0 eew
- Reboot the Teensy processor
Configure and calibrate
- Set a valid robot number
setidx <robot-number> sethw 8 eew
The robot should now show the new name.
robot wheel configuration
Defaults should be OK for Robobot (to view current configuration, use confi.)
confw rl rr gear TPR wb
Line sensor
Place the robot on white tape (all sensors)
licw eew
distance sensor
Values need to be found; use sub ir 200 to see regular values (lists ir m m AD1 AD2).
irc A13 A50 B13 B50 1
gyro calibration
logger flags
Use lfli to see current flags.
lfls 0 acc gyro 0 0 motv mota enc vel turnrate pose line dist batt timing 0 0
save to flash
Save to flash and turn off interactive mode.
eew i 0
Start the teensy_interface
Either reboot the Raspberry or start the interface manually.
sudo reboot now
Restart (with the no-logging option)
cd ~/svn/robobot/teensy_interface/build ./teensy_interface -l &