Compile and upload code

From Rsewiki

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Compile the code

Use the PlatformIO -> PROJECT TASKS -> teensy 4.1 -> General -> build to compile the project.

It should now compile with a "SUCCESS" result, something like the one shown here:

Click on the "explorer" and find the source code:

Connect the robot using a USB. Turning on the robot is not strictly needed, as the USB will provide sufficient power to make the upload.

Use the PlatformIO -> PROJECT TASKS -> teensy 4.1 -> General -> Upload and Monitor

This should open the loader app, find the correct USB port, upload the code and start the serial monitor.

Note that at the bottom, there are two lines from the robot (marked in blue), something like:

% Robot 52 Adriana (PCB version 6.3)
% UImu2:: gyro offset: 2.20459 -0.896149 0.737335

This indicates that the firmware is running (and that the gyro is calibrated).

There are a few commands available from the command line, e.g. type help and return to get:

# Available commands from Basebot:
# State settings -------
# --    setidx N        Set ID to N (sets robot name) (id=52)
# --    start   Start (activate something)
# --    version         Get version in SVN (is 16807) (of file urobot.cpp)
# --    help    Send on-line help
# USB -------
# --    echo A  Send received characters back as received. A=0 not, A=1 yes (is=0)
# Motor -------
# --    motv m1 m2      Set motor voltage -12.0..12.0 - and enable motors
# --    motfrq  Set motor PWM frequency [100..50000], is 68000
# Encoder settings -------
# --    confw ppr       Set configuration (ppr: pulse per revolution)
# IMU -------
# --    gyroc   Start gyro calibration (finished=1)