Robobot 1

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Robobot with Raspberry Pi


The battery is an 11V 2.2 Ah 3-cell Lipo. Its power consumption (when not moving) is 0.3-0.5A, so it can sustain about 4 hours of use.

Robobot will cut power when the battery voltage is below 10V to protect the battery.

The Battery is (probably) charged to storage level (~40% of full capacity), so start by charging it.

Power supply

A 230V power supply, which supplies 15V and 6A, is available and intended for use during development.

OFF and ON

Preferably turn the power off by holding the Start button for more than 5 seconds.

This will illuminate 3 LEDs in the LED band. These will gradually go off, and then the power will be cut.

The Raspberry will be asked to shutdown during the wait time.

To power on, press the power button.

The power cut switch should not be used while the Raspberry is running. It will usually be OK, but the disk may crash.

Raspberry Pi shutdown

The Raspberry Pi can alternatively be shut down from the command line.

Use the command

sudo shutdown now

Then, wait about 30 seconds before cutting the power.

This will ensure that all open files are closed correctly and that the system date and time are stored for the next boot.